News for Cheshire

News for Cheshire is the blog of the campaign to get the BBC news website to provide dedicated news coverage of our county, which it doesn't do. Currently, users of the BBC's news website have to hunt on the pages for Merseyside, Manchester and Staffordshire if they want Cheshire news. Other contributors are welcome, just get in touch if you'd like to write for the campaign.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

2008 - a poor start

Since we last blogged, the BBC has reported just 15 Cheshire news stories. Yes, that's 15 in 39 days. Not even 3 stories a week.

Yet things have not exactly been quiet across the county. For one thing, the massive row about the government's decision to split Cheshire into two unitary authorities has only just started to kick off, after simmering a few months. This deeply unpopular decision has been front page news on most local papers around the county. It's a massive change that will cost millions and affect almost a million people. But Aunty doesn't think it's worth reporting.

Looks like there's no policy change at BBC News Online for 2008, then. In other words, no news is, well, no news (for Cheshire, anyway)...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Louise, I support what you are doing however I have to take issue with your statement that the decision to abolish Cheshire is 'hugely unpopular' Not in Macclesfield it ain't.

11:57 am  
Blogger Louise B said...

Hi Muz

Would you like to elaborate on why the good burghers of Macclesfield are in favour? Admittedly, I'm looking at this issue myself from the Chester perspective, but I'm also concerned over the cost implications (it will cost millions to implement and may not save much cash overall) not to mention potential job losses. That said, from the news point of view, this is massively important, whichever stance people take, and it's a real shame that the BBC is failing to report on it.

No doubt with Liverpool being Capital of Culture, this will be overlooked. Already we've had saturation coverage on BBC News Online in the past fortnight.

9:23 pm  

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