News for Cheshire

News for Cheshire is the blog of the campaign to get the BBC news website to provide dedicated news coverage of our county, which it doesn't do. Currently, users of the BBC's news website have to hunt on the pages for Merseyside, Manchester and Staffordshire if they want Cheshire news. Other contributors are welcome, just get in touch if you'd like to write for the campaign.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Warrington Watch

After the latest (yet not unusual) news drought, Warrington has been hitting the BBC's headlines. It's all been happening there in the last two days.

First, a car explosion took place, apparently caused by industrial fireworks rather than act of terrorism. Then a woman had her car stolen by a couple of prospective buyers. Lastly, there was a drugs raid and haul nearby, a big one.

Over in Chester, there's been an E.coli outbreak.

Dear BBC
You see, Cheshire does exist and things do happen here. You managed to report 4 stories in the space of just over 24 hours. It's not that difficult. You can do it, you just proved it. Can we have more, please?
O. Twist of Cheshire


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