News for Cheshire

News for Cheshire is the blog of the campaign to get the BBC news website to provide dedicated news coverage of our county, which it doesn't do. Currently, users of the BBC's news website have to hunt on the pages for Merseyside, Manchester and Staffordshire if they want Cheshire news. Other contributors are welcome, just get in touch if you'd like to write for the campaign.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cash for local news at BBC

The journalism resource site has reported more news on the BBC's plans for local news sites.

That pot of £68 million is a nice little sum. No surprise that regional press editors are unhappy about Aunty's plans as they've long seen this as the BBC muscling in on their patch. It's a shame they don't understand that local papers can and should provide a more detailed service to their community than the BBC will ever be able to achieve.

What we'd like to know is if Cheshire is included among the 60 sites that will be sharing the £68 million. The BBC has yet to specify if the 60 sites are the existing county web pages or if these are to be new ultra-local pages, which has been hinted at previously. Just when are they going to clarify this?

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