News for Cheshire

News for Cheshire is the blog of the campaign to get the BBC news website to provide dedicated news coverage of our county, which it doesn't do. Currently, users of the BBC's news website have to hunt on the pages for Merseyside, Manchester and Staffordshire if they want Cheshire news. Other contributors are welcome, just get in touch if you'd like to write for the campaign.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

You can wait all year...

...for a story on Wilmslow. Then, like buses, two come along at once.

Wilmslow, that leafy affluent corner of our fair county, is fast turning into a hotbed of violent crime, it appears.

First, Kerry Katona is held at knifepoint. Then, a golfer is attacked with a hockey stick.

Interestingly, the second story was positioned on both the Manchester and Merseyside news pages on BBC Online, while Katona only made it to the Manchester page, despite being from Warrington in west Cheshire. Wilmslow, of course, is so far east it's practically in Manchester. If Katona wasn't so famous that she was a headline story on the entertainment page too, we might have missed it.

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