News for Cheshire

News for Cheshire is the blog of the campaign to get the BBC news website to provide dedicated news coverage of our county, which it doesn't do. Currently, users of the BBC's news website have to hunt on the pages for Merseyside, Manchester and Staffordshire if they want Cheshire news. Other contributors are welcome, just get in touch if you'd like to write for the campaign.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Unavoidable for Aunty

The BBC has been busy reporting the various local election results around the UK.

Unsurprisingly, the Tory swing in Chester was reported (as usual) on the Merseyside page.

The overall review of results was reported on the Merseyside page too, as well as on the pages for Manchester and Staffordshire.

Annoyingly, while the Merseyside pages carried news about Warrington in a separate report, you still have to go to the Staffordshire age to get the results for Crewe and Nantwich.

So, Cheshire residents (and licence payers, too, I might point out) still have to visit three separate pages to find an overall picture of the elections results across the county. This is why the BBC's existing policy is so infuriating and why a Cheshire news page is so desperately needed.

We ought to be able to see ALL the election results at a glance, in one place, on BBC Online. But until the BBC sees sense and gives us what we are, after all, paying for, the situation remains unchanged and we are forced to continue scouring various pages for news on Cheshire.

The absurdity of this is blatant at election times...



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