Crewesing for news
The BBC's latest idiocy is to post this tragic story on the news page for Staffordshire. The report clearly states that Crewe is the location and that Cheshire Constabulary is the involved police force. I'm left wondering why on earth a Cheshire story has been filed with news for a totally different county. Crewe is only marginally further from Chester, the county capital, than it is from Stoke on Trent, but that hardly justifies filing the story on a page many Cestrians wouldn't bother to look at.
But we already know why - we don't have a Cheshire page for news from across our county. This is yet another classic example of the absurdity of having to search for local news - our news - across the news pages for three different counties.
How much longer is this ridiculous situation going to continue?
Labels: Crewe
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